September 23, 2015

Journaling 101

September 23, 2015

 Journaling has become a big part in my life recently. It made me realise how many things I can actually do just in one day. It motivates me to do it and achieve my goals.

These are just the many benefits i've found of journaling:
  • Increased productivity 
  • My day is easier planned
  • Written goals makes you achieve them
You don't need much to start journaling - just a notebook, pen and some free time everyday.


I use a notebook from Orange Circle Studio, which I bought 2 years ago. I use lined notebook as I think it is more comfortable than graph notebook. Also if you don't want to go through a lot of journals in a year, make sure it has enough pages for you. Mine is 192 pages.


There are many journaling techniques. The one I know of is bullet journaling. I myself don't use it , but you can try or you can use a combination of many. I like to customise, that's why I do it in my own way. You don't have to do exactly as I do it, but you can get the idea.

                                                                           MY TECHNIQUE
  1. I put a date and a day of the week above my daily entry. 
  2. I put a list of my plans and things I need to get done that day. 
  3. In a column beside, I write any events that day.
  4. I use a lot of sticky notes. I always put one for the each week where I write the main events/to do that week and place it near the day I am journaling. I use it for other things also. I like to write 10 new words that I learn throughout the days in German and English. 
  5. At the end of the day sometimes I write a diary entry. Just say some things that happened that day, how I feel.


I can't imagine starting my day without a journal. It sets my daily goals and makes me achieve them. Try it just for a few days and you'll see that you can't stop!

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