about me

Hello and welcome to my blog!
My name is Laura. I am 18 years old and I come from a small part of our planet - a country named Latvia. Currently I am still studying and will graduate high school next year.
W h a t     i s    t h i s    b l o g    a b o u t ?
I am a girl of many interests as I like to express myself in various ways.
This blog, unlike some other blogs, does not stick to one specific thing. I am passionate crafter, etsy store owner and I enjoy everything handmade.  I am also keen on natural body care, photography and film making. I also love....wait. I think I will stop now. I certainly don't want to fill half page with my interests. I think you will discover me through these pages. :)
I explore this world through various ways and I would like to share them with you.

All content displayed and featured on this website (videos, images and text ) is owned by Luminous Vibes' owner. 

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