September 22, 2015

3 Things I Do Everyday And You Should Too!

September 22, 2015

   If you are a  self-improvement nut, then you'll love this post. These 3 things have majorly improved my daily productivity and daily routine.

1) Wake up Early

I can't emphasise enough how important it is to wake up earlier. By doing it you not only set yourself up for a productive day but also get a lot more work done.
You make think that it's impossible and there's no way in heaven you can get up earlier. Let me tell you something. I have never been a morning person and have always set up 10 alarm clocks with 2 to 5 minutes in between.  I could not imagine climbing out of my wonderfully warm and cozy bed.
It's my discipline that changed it. I will have a completely another post soon getting into detail how you can start getting up earlier.

2) Journaling

This is one of the best things that I have started. I've always thought of journaling as of writing a diary. I couldn't have been more wrong!

As it turned out, journaling is more than that. It's your daily motivator and mentor. Journaling helps you set your daily goals and makes you plan your day. Did you know that you have a higher chance of getting work done if you get it all on paper? I certainly do.

If you don't know how to journal, I have a post right here on how I do it!

3) Always keep my desk clean and organised

Very often I see my desk growing with books, papers and other stuff until it's so full I can't really put anything on it. It would always kill my mood to do anything. That's why it is so important for me to have it as clean as possible. I have a mindset of " Do it now or never", because I know that if I don't declutter immediately then it will keep growing with other stuff.

I am very minimalistic when it comes to my desk. I don't like to decorate it. I keep it as simple as possible.

Hope these tips help you and if they do tell me about it!

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