September 23, 2015

Dying My Hair Turquoise

September 23, 2015

Finally got some color in my hair! :)

Journaling 101

 Journaling has become a big part in my life recently. It made me realise how many things I can actually do just in one day. It motivates me to do it and achieve my goals.

These are just the many benefits i've found of journaling:
  • Increased productivity 
  • My day is easier planned
  • Written goals makes you achieve them
You don't need much to start journaling - just a notebook, pen and some free time everyday.

September 22, 2015

3 Things I Do Everyday And You Should Too!

September 22, 2015

   If you are a  self-improvement nut, then you'll love this post. These 3 things have majorly improved my daily productivity and daily routine.

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